Muslims in the Workplace

Muslims are special interest groups who regularly ask for special privileges, willingly, unwillingly, knowingly, and unknowingly following a supremist ideology called Islam. The ideology calls for its proponents to ask for special favors in a society with regard to but not limited to prayers, food,  and fasting when their numbers are large enough. Until then, they are supposed to blend in with others so as not to defame their ideology or reveal its political agenda. Once made known, the desires and demands usually concern gender segregation, food preference, personal hygiene, product handling, prayer time, special holidays and customer or client interaction. 

As a result of praticing Islam, I know that Muslim prayers are not obligatory  when work, circumstances, or other situations make it inconvenient or otherwise inappropriate. Muslims are not required to perform any religious ritual or pray anywhere or anytime if it causes a problem–such as when it is not common or convenient. That includes and is not limited to during school and work hours. It is quite acceptable and very common for muslims to make up missed prayers at home, even in the Middle East. Unperformed Muslim prayers can accumulate days upon days if necessary. Muslims simply cannot do them in advance of their prescribed times.  

Most reputable organizations want to balance profit, stockholder, corporate, client, and employee needs. In light of such considerations, special interest groups within organizations may take advantage of goodwill policies. While efforts are usually made to grant reasonable requests, others can be counterproductive. 

 Indeed, Muslims may choose to go to great lengths to pray in out of the ordinary places and odd circumstances because of peer pressure and prestige. It is a good way to separate themselves from the other employees, to gain special recognition, demonstrate an illusion of piousness, mostly all in an effort to set precedent for supremist Islamic Law over all other legal systems and religions.

Spending several months in the Middle East, I saw neither a public, or private “footbath.” Instead, sinks and showers in the home were the acceptable mode of ritually cleansing oneself before prayers.

Interestingly, I learned that a Muslim can even use dirt instead of water to wash before praying if clean water is not available. To read about that fact, click here.

With regards to fasting, a Muslim does not always have to fast, for similar reasons as above. Fasting, unlike to praying, does not have to be made-up.

Footbaths may require an unnecessary expense for a showy ritualistic fraternal practice, while prayer time and space may require inconvenient expenses and scheduling, as well as be perceived as supremist gatherings. Gender segregation can cause unnecessary design adjustments, while changes in procedures and product handling can be unnecesarily offensive to valuable customers, associates, and co-workers.

With regards to fasting during Ramadan, the break-fast time is at sunset. This means that food, beverages, smoking, and sexual activities can only be enjoyed during the hours of darkness. It does not mean that one is required to eat at sunset. It means the aforementioned cannot be indulged during the daylight hours between sunrise and sunset.

A feature of fasting is waking early to eat a meal before sunrise. This practice can lead to fatigue, dizziness, weakness, irritability and disorientation later in the day. An organization must determine if it can safely, efficiently, and  productively accommodate employees who are weak with hunger and thirst, and drowsy from rising before sunrise to eat.

 People of most faiths pray at home and do not inconvenience others with their religious beliefs and practices. They do not require or demand special privileges and might justifiably resent conforming to superstitous non-productive, non-profitable supremist demands that change daily and yearly, and increase over time.

Significantly overlooked is the reality that special concessions to Muslims are dangerously irreversible, and will lead to further demands once initial weakness is shown and indulgence is made.

Omar Ahmad, the founder of the Council of American-Islamic Relations, CAIR, said “Islam is not in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant.”  

 Lack of knowledge about the politics of Islam in a naïve and benevolent host society gives a group of Muslims the confidence to ask for special policy, procedure, and concessions. The wishes are that are not genuinely necessary for religious practice, when the real reason behind the special requests is to set precedent and spread an Islamic agenda , creating a system where Muslim rights ultimately precede non-Muslim rights.

Though employers may strive for workplace amiability, giving in to Muslim requests for special privileges is dangerously irreversible. A concession is a victory for Islam, and history shows that Islamic victories lead to larger, less diplomatic and more comprehensive victories. Once gained, new victories are not easily reversed, as decisions for reversal provide Muslims an assumed ‘right’ for retribution.

 Organizations and institutions should carefully weigh what is the best interest with regard to permissiveness, expense, safety, client needs, and compatibility with regards to employee and customer loyalty, expenses/profit, and community responsibilities.

Once an Islamic victory is achieved, another will surely follow. In that respect, Islamis like a Russian doll. Therefore, granting special privileges to Muslim employees may seem harmless at first, but will always lead to granting more special privileges. Demands for special privileges will increase promptly and proportionally, until it effects policies and laws, thus causing a systematic risk throughout our country’s policies, institutions, and organizations.

I have received lots of challenges to support the claim that Muslims can postpone prayers and fasting. This is what I was taught when I was being indoctrinated to be a Muslim. This is also what I observed. When Muslims wanted to pray at noon, they went home for lunch–even in a Muslim country. But if they could not go home, they postponed their noon prayer until later in the day. When traveling, they postponed all the days prayers until the end of the day. I saw this many, many times. Now that there are 1.8 million Muslims in America, feeling secure in numbers, the demands are racheting up a notch. Most Westerners do not know the details of Islamic ritual, therefore they are led to believe that it is an absolute requirement to pray at a very specific time. This is desireable of course, as it is inconvenient to accumulate all the prayers till the end of the day.. But even so, the accumulated prayers only take about 20 minutes and require one symbolic ritual washing. Incidentally, the entire foot does not need to be washed in the ritual washing. One merely wets the hand and spreads the moisture from the top of the big toe up to the ankle. The whole foot and the bottom of the foot does not need to be “washed”. If you would like to see Islamic confirmation of these claims, read my other post here.

21 Comments Add your own

  • 1. GaryinWpg  |  April 15, 2009 at 4:42 am

    Very recently, a chime is now sounded in our workplace for a call to prayer for those of the Islamic faith.

    To me, this is a proselytizing religion in the work place. I thought at one time religion had no place at work in an open fashion as to not offend.

    Unfortunately, I believed that this has been allowed to happen under the auspices of the Human Rights Tribunals as “undue hardship”.

    If not too much trouble, can you cite the passages of the Koran where it states or gives instruction on prayer as you have mentioned in the second paragraph of your article.

    I have a feeling that the “chimes” are a fore warning of things to come.


    • 2. mary christina love  |  April 17, 2009 at 10:37 am

      I posted an article for you on April 17th (2009). There are some Koran passages in the article and other references. I do not see why it is really undue hardship for one to pray all the prayers in the evening after going home. Each prayer takes about 5 minutes…so they have to pray an extra 5 minutes…big deal. It probably takes them longer to pray at work…as it involves an interruption, and coming and going…and going to the restroom to make wudu.

      I think it creates more of an undue hardship on the employers…and undue hard feelings from co-workers. They could save the grief…but then prayer is not really the issue…it is prosletyzing like you suggested…

      Jesus said not to pray in public like the hypocrites do…


  • 3. Sabiha Ansari  |  October 8, 2009 at 10:24 pm

    Unfortunately, the facts have been distorted here in the article. As a practicing Muslim woman and a proud American..I am disappointed by the lack of correct information in this article. Please do your due diligence before further ill-informing the American population at large.

    • 4. mary christina love  |  October 11, 2009 at 7:01 am

      Sabiha, as a practicing Muslim woman, you are not taught everything about Islam…just what you need to know to keep you subservient… Too much at one time might turn you away, so you will only learn little by little, and you will never know the whole truth about Islam because you are a woman, and because Islam uses lies to advance itself. So if anyone falls for Islam, they are falling for lies. I was disapointed by the lack of correct information I received about Islam, and I had to go outside the box (of Islam) to learn the real history of the totalitarian ideology and the real reason for brainwashing, ummah organizing rituals. I am very disapointed that you did not offer any specific information in your comment. You just posted negative scripted criticism and admonishment to try to make me “feel” wrong. Your parroted comment is typical for an ill-informed, supremist indoctrinated zombie robot. Islam would not stand a chance of survival if it could not rely on taqiyya, empty minds, and terror. You do know what taqiyyah is don’t you? Because you do not yet recognize or believe the truth when you read it, here is some more true to experience, researched, and confirmed information you can read about Muslim prayers:

      The Truth behind Muslim Footbaths and Muslim Prayer

      • 5. Stranger  |  June 12, 2010 at 7:09 am

        Mrs, Mary, You should keep in mind that, you can only tell lie to those who does not have any true understanding of Islam….I don’t know what religion you belong….and what your religion taught u? I can only see a big liar trying to give her verdict without any knowledge….read qur’an and give reference mentioning the verse number from where u have quoted if you are truthful…Stay in your limit and don’t force us open our mouth.

      • 6. mary christina love  |  June 15, 2010 at 1:58 am

        I can only say—YOU should read Koran and give reference mentioning the verse number before you call me a liar….if you are truthful… Also you are saying it is not logical to stay hungry all day and eat only at night….So you agree that it does not make sense, yet that is what Muslims do during Ramadan.

  • 7. hus  |  February 22, 2010 at 7:58 am

    I know many muslim workers who use their lunch break to pray. I dont see anything wrong with that. – I am one of them. At the end of the day, it is a 10 minute ritual which revitalises the body and mind which I beleive makes me more productive.

    There are a few errors with you’re article they are-
    1. Never, is it acceptable for muslims to make up missed prayers at home. In our hadith, we are told everyone must pray on time. Even soldiers in war MUST pray on time. Even sick people are to pray. Noone is exempted from praying. It is an obligation on all muslims to pray on time. If you only knew the feeling we get when we pray…
    2. Fasting, unlike to praying, does not have to be made-up – this is totally incorrect. If you miss a day, u must make it up before the start of the next ramadan. If you are sick, you have the option of fasting when you feel better or buying food for someone who can’t afford to eat. There are exemptions for those who cant fast during ramadan, but at the end of the day they must catch up to the days they have missed.

    Incorrect comments on 2 pillars of islam makes me wonder how reliable the rest of your article is.

    • 8. mary christina love  |  February 22, 2010 at 9:03 am

      Everyone gets a lunch break! If you want to spend your lunch time praying, then so be it. I stand by my statement that prayer can be made up later. It does not have to be done at a specific time. Those times are the reccommended times, and it is perhaps “better” on your conscience, and bonds muslims more if done at the prescribed times, but it is not mandatory. Fasting does not have to be made up. You even admitted that fasting does not have to be made up when you wrote “There are exemptions for those who cant fast during ramadan”… “If you are sick, you have the option of fasting when you feel better or buying food for someone who can’t afford to eat.” Options and exemptions are sweet, aren’t they! You might want to add to that…”if you are sick, or traveling, or in any situation where fasting and praying is extremely difficult, such as in the company of non-Muslims.”

      Misleading statements make me know your comment is ambiguously disingenuous.

  • 9. TZAH  |  March 21, 2010 at 5:53 pm

    This is one of the most ridiculous and untruthful articles I have ever read.

    Nest time you write an article, it would suit you to do some research on the subject you’re writing about, for example, Islam, before spewing out lies about the rules and ideologies of it.

    I’d really like you to cite the sources in which you got into your head that a Muslim can make up his or her prayer whenever he or she wants. Neglecting your prayers is a sin. Especially when the excuse is something stupid like being in the company of non-Muslims. The last thing a Muslim would want to convey themselves as is ashamed of their religion–and avoiding prayer because others might see them portrays exactly that.

    And about not having to make up your missed fasts? Completely false. Under no circumstance can you not make up a missed fast.

    May God put some light in your heart or at least the right judgment not to write write articles that lie to the masses. But, that said, stupidity is, unlike mere ignorance, incurable. Good luck.

    • 10. mary christina love  |  March 28, 2010 at 8:14 am

      So where are your sources to verify that? You wrote that “the last thing a Muslim would want to convey themselves as ashamed of their religion-and avoiding prayer because others might see them.” This only tells me that it is the last thing a Muslim would want. It does not mean that prayers and fasting cannot be postponed. Of course you want the whole world to see you and hear you once you feel secure with enough muslims around. Muslims demand more when numbers provide security…until then they are permitted to lie….When numbers allow, they will deny the lie and even the truth that that led to the lie. I look at it as twisted psychological abuse. It is a concept called “taqiyyah” I am sure you know what it is because you are using it! You can read my post with the answers to your questions here.

      • 11. David Willis  |  November 25, 2011 at 8:29 pm

        Could you give me reference from the Qurran where it says that, Muslims are permitted to lie? As I am not a Muslim, but do work with the odd Muslim, and i they seem to be much more truthful than us.

      • 12. mary christina love  |  March 25, 2012 at 6:13 am

        Fortunately I do not keep a Koran in my house, after reading the entire thing. It is a common and required practice called “taquiya,” which makes it permissable, even required to lie in order to advance Islam. And remember, a lie is much more convincing when it is mixed with some truth and then sugar coated. I know what I learned…Don’t be so gullible is all I can say to you.

  • 13. Ramona  |  November 3, 2010 at 9:37 pm

    your a retard go do research before pulling shit out of your ass.

    • 14. mary christina love  |  November 26, 2010 at 3:16 am

      This IS very well researched Ramona!

  • 15. SK  |  May 25, 2011 at 1:27 am

    Mary, I am a practicing Muslim woman and I totally agree with you, I agree with you because this is what Islam/Koran tells us. My father also taught me that even if I am hungry first I should eat and then perform my prayer. Unfortunately many Muslims are misusing the work time with an excuse of prayers. The real Islam is flexible and encourages to be honest in dealings which means first perform your duties to mankind and then come to God. As God says in Koran, he will forgive you if you do wrong to him but if you do wrong to fellowman then you have to ask that person and not God to forgive you. Its really sad many Muslims in name of Islam intentionally misinterpreting Islam for their benefits, and leaving work for prayers is one of them. In reality they can pray later at home.

    I know radical Muslims will not agree with me as they have very small mind that’s why I call them cancer of my religion, same goes to Islam haters (mostly radical minded people of their religion) who will not agree with me as they are dying to prove that Islam is a bad religion so they promote radical Muslims views as true.

  • 16. mjazzguitar  |  June 20, 2011 at 9:44 am

    I followed the youtube link and found two more useful links from someone who posted there: and When people are free to question Islam, when they honestly examine the life of Mohammed, they can conclude that he is not a prophet of God.

    • 17. mary christina love  |  June 20, 2011 at 10:55 pm

      I definitely agree! Thanks for the links; I’ll check them out.

  • 18. Neem  |  July 1, 2011 at 6:59 am

    on the fact that no one, i mean no one not even Ms. Love herself posted reference or citations, or any factual information as the Qur’an instructs one to when debating Islam, im going to say all of this is unacceptable and should be regarded as false. do your own research men and women. first read Qur’an and then read credible Hadith (sahih al-bukari) and then read again. inshaAllah God will guide you in your research for faith.

    • 19. mary christina love  |  July 1, 2011 at 9:09 am

      Neem, Not “posting” references or citations does not mean the information is incorrect. It is correct, and, there is a link in the post you can follow if you need references and citations. The Quran is not my, nor most men and women’s source of authority, so there is no compulsion to follow its dictates when discussing (you call it “debating”) a religion, in this case, Islam. Some of us have had the personal experience and contribute our knowledge so that others do not have to waste their time researching the validity of the fickle and finiky rules of Islam, as you condescendingly insist. There is a comment on the post written by a muslim woman, a few down from yours, and she totally agrees with me. Have a nice day and try to think and see the truth for yourself!

      • 20. David Willis  |  November 25, 2011 at 8:38 pm

        But that comment seems like it was written by you, Mary Christina, (Love?). Just by looking at the way it was written, I’d say it matches the way you write directly and yes, I’m unfortunately a language expert.

      • 21. mary christina love  |  March 25, 2012 at 6:08 am

        Yes, and ???

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